Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Am neither especially clever nor especially gifted. I am only very, very curious to WHYs!!

Life is an eternal quest about knowing oneself !! It sometimes feel to challenge new opportunities, re-discover the hidden traits,talents and tendencies.By tendencies- I mean just to laze around, watching movies, eating a day old pizza and bottles of soda laying here and there.

But then again I think on what Leo Tolstoy once said,
                              "Without knowing what I am and why I am here,Life is impossible"

so, i then make my mind up to present myself. I am enough of a designer to draw freely upon what I have in mind. Here goes the design of my Resume-

CV -Satadru Sengupta

CV -Satadru Sengupta

As I was doing this research to see and look for ideas as to how things are represented in a Graphic designer's CV, Google gave me amazing results. There are soooo many different kinds of designed resume.
To be true, ideas of which even I would not think of thinking.It gave me a new perspective to think about designing my own .

So I was sitting down at my table with my regular CV written on 2 sheets of paper while having my cup of
black tea. I had my tickets for the Friday night movie, listening to music and sketching away randomly and I got this frame captured in mind as I was looking at the table which I tried to represent in my resume.

So now that I have prepared my resume I will start of working on my portfolio.I am think ing on how to represent it cuz most of my works are specific for webs. Well, anyways I will be surely sharing them and will be hoping to get replies on em. Till next time , adioss !!

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